Things to Keep in Mind While Selecting Your Excavation Contractor
Things like rigging failures, trench collapses and electrocution happen quite frequently on excavation sites. What is reported in the news are numbers, what it actually is, a tragic loss of an individual who’s live could have been saved if only proper safety measures were undertaken. Lethbridge excavation contractors must always act scrupulously.
Presence of a competent worker/supervisor is a must on excavation sites. It requires a great deal of communication and training to ensure that everybody can go home safely at the end of the day. Ignoring or deviating from the company and state safety regulations puts everyone at extreme risk.
Here are some check points to ensure that you select the right excavation contractor:
· Attentively attend the consultation and make sure to ask questions regarding every inhibition you have from the supervisor.
· Be alert and look for unsafe conditions.
· Not all soil is the same, make sure that they inspect the stability of soil and install the protective equipment accordingly.
· The supervisor must check the underground conditions and should be cautious of overhead power lines.
· They should check for damaged insulation wires and use ground fault circuit interrupters.
· Makes sure that there is proper and enough lighting during night time excavation.
· Uses proper safety gear like the PPE kit and other safety equipment when dealing with underground work, preventing obnoxious gas fumes.
These were some general guidelines to adhere to at all costs, your excavation company will provide you with a dedicated plan detailing the process and accordingly deciding upon the pricing.
All Lethbridge trucking companies should be inspected and you should select the most efficient one for your trucking and hauling services on site.
If you are looking for an excavation contractor that adheres to all safety requirements than look no further than Dutchie Dirt Moving. They provide quality services, without compromising on your and their staff’s safety. They are known for their transparency and accountability in the business.
They provide the following services:
· Field Drainage and Land Levelling
· Agriculture Services
· Commercial Services
They pride themselves with providing a full line of excavation services at competitive pricing. They make it a point to meet and exceed your expectations regarding any of your earth moving needs.
About Dutchie Dirt Moving:
Dutchie Dirt Moving is a renowned excavation and Lethbridge gravel sales company. They cater to both large and small scale excavation projects with finesse and safety.
For more details, visit

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